International Orders

Shipping and Payment:

  • We proudly offer worldwide shipping through our trusted partners, such as DHL, FedEx, Aramex, Shiprocket Premium etc.
  • For International Orders, you can conveniently complete your payment using Debit/Credit cards. Additionally, we also accept payments via Bank Transfer; please get in touch with us at or Whatsapp for this option.
  • The cost of International Shipping will be calculated based on your location and order specifics.
  • Shipping charges will be automatically applied to your order during the checkout process.

Order Placement:

  • Once an international order is placed, we are unable to entertain any cancellation requests although we can assist you in changing the size until the time order is not dispatched.

Order Processing and Dispatch:

  • We strive to dispatch your ordered products within 2-4 working days.
  • The delivery time typically ranges from 3-7 days following the dispatch, depending on the location of your order.
  • Although we make every effort to expedite order processing, certain unforeseen circumstances may lead to slight delays. In the event of a delay (product not dispatched within the estimated timeframe), feel free to reach out to us.

Customer Support:

  • For any inquiries or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our team via email at or click on the whatsapp button on the website. We will make every effort to respond within 24 hours. Please be mindful of our office hours, which are from Monday to Friday, 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM IST.

Returns and Exchanges:

  • We regret to inform you that we do not offer exchanges or returns for international orders. To address any concerns related to sizing or any other inquiries, kindly contact us via Email or Whatsapp before finalizing your order.

Order Completion:

  • International orders are dispatched as soon as all products within your order are ready for shipment. We do not dispatch incomplete orders.

Import Duties and Taxes:

  • As the recipient, you bear the responsibility for any import duties, customs fees, VAT, or any other local sales taxes imposed by the destination country. You may be required to pay these fees to release your order from customs upon arrival.

Duty Payment:

  • Our delivery partners are authorized to handle duty payment on your behalf, and you can subsequently settle these charges directly with the delivery partners.